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  • All members_Fall 2023
  • Welcome to the SHADE lab at the University of Mississppi!

    The SHADE lab examines antecedents and consequences of prejudice, stigma, and bias. We use perspectives that examine both high and low status group members’ responses to discrimination and how this influences cognition, health, well-being, and intergroup relations. Our lab employs a variety of methodologies including both online and in lab experiments, longitudinal designs, and surveys. Across our research we utilize behavioral, self-report, and physiological reactivity measures to examine the broad consequences of stigma and bias.

    Lab news!

    NSF ADVANCE Catalyst Grant funded to examine equity in STEM at UM

    Adam Beam named SEC Emerging Scholar Dissertation Fellow!

    Dr. Joseph Wellman named Fellow of the Society of Experimental Social Psychology (SESP)!

    Why some Christians see LGBTQ rights as an attack

    Conservative Christians genuinely believe that LGBT+ progress is a personal attack, study shows

    Dr. Wellman named Sarah Isom Fellow 2021-2023!

    Collaborators in the News: Food and Nutrition Services Master’s Student Brings Home 3MT Win

    Paper Published: Is LGBT progress seen as an attack on Christians?

    Graduate Student Sukhmani Pal Publishes Paper in Psychology of Religion and Spirituality Journal

    SPSP Selects Two Experimental Graduate Students for Travel Awards

    NSF awards CSUSB nearly $1 million grant to broaden faculty participation in STEM departments

    CSUSB Awarded $1 Million STEM Grant by National Science Foundation

    The dangerous belief that white people are under attack